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Library membership
Library Membership
Graduating Projects
Barry Carl: The Empowered Voice
Carey French: Lineage of Somatic Sex Education
Ailsa Keppie: Sacred Spaces
Liesbeth Van Rompaey: The Sanctuary Within
Patricia Berendsen: A Workshop to Introduce Somatic Sex Education
Kendra Hamilton, The Happy Pelvis
Rhiannon Webb: Working with Clients in the Perinatal Window
Nic Reveles: Body Prayer
Ev Vigil: Trauma-Informed Gynecology
Cassie Porter: Erotic Touch Evolution for Couples
Melody Joyce: Why Don't We Ask for What We Want
Wendy Scheirich: Sexual Solidarity Team Building
Karen Yates: Somatic Sex Education "as a Sexy Spin on Infotainment"
Racheal Cogan: A Journal of Pandemic Erotic Embodiment
Elodie Jouvenot: Conscious Kink
Ariel Szabo: Building Brave Containers for Grieving
Cooper Stone: Waking Up My (Non-bio) Cock
Lauren Hind: Chronic Pain, Illness, and the Path of Pleasure
Ro Rose: Somatic Gendering
Jade Schey: Queering Erotic Belonging
Onika Henry: Exploring The Application of Somatic Techniques in a Caribbean Carnival: Mindfulness in Mas
West: Living Questions, Session Arcs, Euphoric Accessibility and the joy of saying NO to having a project!
Cooper Stone: Building Capacity for Sensation and Pleasure in Non-Bio Genitals
Leanne Lam: My Integration Diaries
Taara Rose: Celebrating SSE Community
Rachel Charlie: My Personal Journey With Lichen Sclerosus
Sherika Tenaya: Somatic Emotional Release
Jess: Embodying the Elements
Marissa Gamberutti: Inheriting Ecstasy
Lena Byrd: Erotic Ethical Education for SSE
Solace: The Colonization of Nature and the Female Body
Greta Flowers: Pleasure is a Fountain and Feel the Earth Kissing Back Soundtrack
Sarah Adelaide: Incorporating Narrative Therapy to Trauma
Meredith White: Healing Through Pelvic Steam
Daniel Little: Anxiety and Eros: Creating Spaces for Erotic Belonging
Articles and Books of Relevance
Marie Thoulin-Savard, Erotic Mindfulness
Caffyn Jesse, Elements of Intimacy
Caffyn Jesse, Intimacy Educator: Teaching Through Touch
Corinne Diachuk, Porn addiction
Laws, Insurance and Marketing for Somatic Sex Educators
Moving Towards Embodiment
Community of Practice Call Recordings
Christiane Pelmas: Soul-centric Marketing
Caffyn Jesse with Nic Reveles: Body Prayers
Caffyn Jesse: Neurodiversity and Sexuality
Caffyn Jesse with Cassie Porter: Lasting Lusty Love
Caffyn Jesse: Orgasm!
Caffyn Jesse with Diane Long: Trauma Informed Practice
Onika Henry: Collective Joy Practices
Caffyn Jesse: Standard Sex Therapies Compared to Somatic Sex Education
captain Snowdon with Rahi Chun: Karsai Nei Tsang
Kai Cheng: Transformative Justice
Tracy Montgomery: Body Access Menu
Kai Cheng: Mapping Rocky Terrain: Peer Relationships and Ethical Dilemmas in SSE
Corinne Diachuk: Is Pleasure All around?
Kai Cheng: Giving Peer Feedback
Kai Cheng: Generative Conflict
Katie Spataro: The Wheel of Consent as a Practice
Shauna Farabaugh: Deepening Our Relationship to Pleasure
Kai Cheng Thom and Onika Henry: Reviewing Racial Justice Initiatives 2021
Dr. Liam 'captain' Snowdon: Troubling Normal
Corinne Diachuk: Mindful Erotic Practice
Sarabell Eisenfeld: Embodying Pleasure and Rest
Kai Cheng Thom and Onika Henry: Rising with Client Resistance
Shauna Farabaugh: Building a Practice - Things No One Told Me
Katie Spataro: Pregnancy and SSE
Tracy Montgomery: Breathwork Skillshare
Corinne Diachuk: Mindful Touch
Kai Cheng Thom: Guided Erotic Hypnotic Trance Journey
Supporting Folks with Lichen Sclerosis: Shauna Farabaugh and Special Guest Kathy Ruiz-Carter
Onika Henry - Purity Culture
Shauna Farabaugh -Adaptive Positions
Tracy Montgomery - Expanding Somatic Awareness
Dr. Liam "captain" Snowdon - Beyond Human Sexualities
Kai Cheng Thom - Holding Your Inner Hunter with Love
Mehdi Darvish Yahya- Body as a Metaphor
Corinne Diachuk - Facilitated Rest
Onika Henry - Expressive Arts and Healing
Kai Cheng Thom - Loving the (Not) Good Enough SSE
Tracy Montgomery - Desire vs Fantasy
Corinne Diachuk - Freedom of Voice as a Path for Pleasure
Kai Cheng Thom - Easing into the Edges of Exploration
captain Snowdon - Non-disposability and Indispensability
Katie Spataro - Tending to Endings
Tracy Montgomery - Befriending the Body
Kai Cheng Thom - What is Loving Justice
Corinne Diachuk - Heart Centred Awareness
Onika Henry - The 4-D Wheel of Sexual Experience
Tracy Montgomery and Myfanwy Van Vliet - The SSE Apprentice
Kai Cheng Thom - Pleasure Activism
Tracy Montgomery - Love & Desire in Practitioner / Client Relationships
Corinne Diachuk - Mindful Movement to Connect to Your Center
Tracy Montgomery - Erotic Energy in Everyday Life
Tracy Montgomery - Power of Playful Connection
Katie Spataro - Skill Share for Pelvic Self Care Practices
Dr. Liam "captain" Snowdon - Communal Erotic Practice
Dr. Liam "captain" Snowdon - Joyful Accountability: Getting Playful with Conflict
Max Pearl & Katie Spataro - Polyvagal Theory and Problems
Kai Cheng Thom - Tree of Cultural Erotic Growth
Pati Garcia & Onika Henry - Midwifery & SSE: Enhancing Pregnancy and Birth Experience
Caffyn Jesse, Tracy Montgomery & Corinne Diachuk - SSE and Psychedelic Medicines
Kai Cheng Thom - Shapes of Solidarity
Dr. Liam "captain" Snowdon - Trouble Normal
Katie Spataro - Rituals of Erotic Grief
Corinne Diachuk - Coming Out as a Somatic Sex Educator
Corinne Diachuk - Breathe Your Body Awake Through Breathwork
Kai Cheng Thom - Embodied Equanimity in Contradictions
Corinne Diachuk - Mini, Online, Communal - Erotic Practice!
Tracy Montgomery - Understanding Attraction
Tracy Montgomery - Support the Building of Authentic Connections
Dr. Liam "captain" Snowdon - Orienting Towards Pleasure
Katie Spataro - Waking Up The Mouth
Onika Henry with Guest Ali Mezey - Introducing Personal Geometry
Kai Cheng Thom & Dame Sadie - Introducing Your New BIPOC Faculty Liaison: DAME SADIE!
Dr. Liam "captain" Snowden - Ritual Skills for Spontaneity In Client Work
Kai Cheng Thom - Essentials of Shadow Work for Somatic Sex Education
Katie Spataro - Tools for Practice: Desire interview and Desire List
Corinne Diachuk with Guest Margaux Underwood - Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Anna Linde - The Family Journal | 'Who I am or Who You Make Me To Be? : Adult Adoptees Imprisoned in Expectations in Intimate Meetings
For Curriculum
Onika Henry - The Body as an Archive of Ancestral Trauma and Wisdom
Laws, Insurance and Marketing for Somatic Sex Educators
Laws Insurance Marketing CC4 ISSSE.pdf
Laws Insurance Marketing CC4 ISSSE.pdf
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